Assignment no.1

Do you want to know a secret?  From the time I started the paper doll business 2 1/2 years ago 'til now, I have been using a free program called GIMP and Microsoft Publisher to do all of my graphics.  Jeff knew these programs pretty well so taught me what I needed to know to do what was in my head but...

I learned very quickly when I started working with a professional printer on the Paper Doll Coloring Book that I would need to upgrade to Adobe products which are the industry standard.  I have been pretty intimidated by both Illustrator and Photoshop and frankly haven't had a lot of time to figure either out.  I am happy to report that I have found an AWESOME resource.  Have you heard of Nicole's Classes?  Wonderful classes taught by creative people with creative people in mind.  So basically taught in a language I understand (FINALLY).

Anyway, I thought I'd share with you some of my assignments as I go along.  I am starting with the Illustrator 101 class.  This week my teacher, Alma Loveland taught us about type, selection tools and color tools.  Our assignment was to create a 16x20 inch poster using text and color.  It isn't anything special really but I learned a lot making that's good!  I have had this quote in my collection for a while and thought it was perfect for this.  It's shortened from the original. 

If you want to print this, let me know and I'll send you the file.  I'll have my tech savvy hubby make it so you can easily download it soon. Enjoy!

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